Sometimes our lives can be so full on that everything seems stressful, when just a few simple techniques can provide a very effective way of releasing stress and learning the “art of relaxation.”
Everything from work, family life, children, partners, day to day hassles, finances, life events and noise can produce stressors that cause many changes inside our minds and bodies and everyone handles stress and anxiety in different ways.
What some feel as mild stress in others can seem extreme – we are all different, we are all individuals with our own set of thought patterns, beliefs and responses.
What gives us the motivation to change our current situation?
My professional career started out relatively calm, and then I moved into executive roles where I had a lot of responsibility, deadlines, long hours and the crème de la crème….working with difficult and demanding people. Then I went on to work for “not for profit” where I was working with an organisation that was striving hard to raise money so seriously ill and dying children and their families could have a wish to brighten their lives a little.
Then throw in a couple of deaths, traumatic pregnancy, several miscarriages, motherhood, my husband having an affair resulting in marriage breakdown and divorce and the heavy burden of loss, grief and soon my stress was undeniable.
What had I done to deserve so much pain, anguish and stress?
My life seemed to be spiralling out of control like one of those twirly wind chimes, spinning faster and faster as it gained momentum.
I forgot all about the art of relaxation.
Is there such a beautiful piece of artwork?
A tapestry of woven magic that consoles and heals.
A paintbrush that can gloss over our stress with long soothing strokes.
Or gentle hands that mould the hard clay into a soft, smooth workable sculpture.
My love of the mind and body connection then set me on a pathway of healing to find my art of relaxation.
Relaxation is an art.
It can come to some so naturally and easily, and then others really have to work at it.
I found that once I knew what to do, I could do it easily – I just needed to be reminded from time to time.
I always had an interest in essential oils as my nanna taught me from a very young age a lot about different plants and their healing properties.
I then trained in massage, aromatherapy, hypnosis, meditation, stress management, life coaching and I suddenly realised that I had had to experience all those difficult times and different levels of stress to know what to do with it and how to help other people. I was also give the opportunity to train as a “Heal Your Life” workshop facilitator based on the philosophies of Louise Hay and that was one of the most positive life changing events I was blessed to participate in.
Over the last 20 years my life has taken many twists and turns – too many to share in this article.
In 2014 the doors to my beautiful wellness clinic had to be closed as I couldn’t pay the rent.
One person who wasn’t even a visitor or client of mine wrote an awful review about me on social media saying how I just closed my doors without any notice or care for my clients.
I found out later that she was actually the client and friend of a “colleague” of mine, who was just being nasty, but that kind of behaviour and maliciousness from others really can be so damaging at the time, and for what?
Just to gain a bit of satisfaction that they contributed to you feeling absolutely miserable?
Fortunately I had many supporters, mostly clients, some who had been clients of mine from when I had originally set up my business back in 2004 who damned her for writing such nonsense and the post was removed.
I really had to use every ounce of my being to stay calm and focused, and to not fall into depression.
The 12 months prior to that were incredibly stressful having to deal with shopping centre politics, the exorbitant increase in rents and outgoings, staff and contractors and the everyday stresses of running a business and the “noise” in my head – however if I didn’t use some of the techniques that I had learned along the way that I teach to others, I probably would have been far worse off mentally, physically and emotionally.
However, like always I did see a light at the end of the tunnel (or rather a neon flashing beacon) and as one door closed another one then opened and with it was the dawning and realisation that I actually got what I had wanted deep down.
The mist of the clouds were swept away from my head and now I am making new choices and stressing less.
It makes me think back to a unique piece of artwork that I picked up while travelling through Europe by Salvador Dali called “Dali’s Hand Drawing Back The Golden Fleece In The Form of a Cloud To Show Gala the Naked Dawn Far Away Behind The Sun.” (1977)
Now I have released and let go all of the anger, guilt and stress surrounding the closure of my beautiful clinic, and I realise I wanted those doors to close so that I could go back to basics and do the things that I loved doing before I opened those doors.
I want to spend more time and energy with the women who come to me and I want to feel that connection once again.
I wanted to find my “paintbrush” once again.
I wanted to just BE with the person I am working with in a healing capacity rather than the rush, rush, rush of getting people in and out as quickly as possible.
AND, I really did miss just BEING with the person I am working with – sharing their energy, their light source, their connection – and I realised that somehow my little clinic had drained that away from me.
The Universe blocked all attempts I made to keep those doors open.
My motivation for keeping the doors open was more about not wanting to hurt others, but in the meantime it was hurting me.

I am now practising what I preach…I am walking the walk that I talk.
I am being authentic.
My energy and motivation has increased.
I feel lighter yet stronger.
My mind is active again in a positive way.
I am meditating more and blaming less.
I am releasing and letting go.
I am honouring forgiveness.
I am visualising more and using positive affirmations again.
I am managing my time in a more efficient way.
I am saying no to things that do not serve me well or are not for my highest good.

I am connecting with those that I am working with in my little treatment room at home, where I feel safe, comfortable and free.
And the chatter in my mind is quiet.
That quiet came from releasing my stress.
The “noise” is gone.
I acknowledged the stress and I set it free.
I have found my paintbrush, my tapestry, my clay.
The Well Woman Sanctuary is my endless canvas.
My relaxation and stress releasing techniques have helped me once again to “seize the day.”
Life loves me as I am worth loving!
Whatever is going on in your mind, is affecting your body.
Do you want to find your paintbrush, your tapestry or your slab of clay?
Join me at my Well Woman Sanctuary Retreat.
Together, we will find your Art of Relaxation and enjoy a day of soul-nourishing enrichment that will stay with you for a lifetime.
For more information or registration click on the link:-
Well Woman Sanctuary Registration Form – July 2016
If you would like more specific information or you have questions about this retreat or anything else you can email me directly [email protected]
You can make the choice for your own wellness.
Vicki Hobbs